Friday, December 13, 2013

Nativity Story

Here is a link to a simple story of the Nativity - Click this link for the Nativity Story


A big warm welcome to George who started school this Wednesday. George is fitting in very nicely with all the other children in Room One. We wish you many, many happy school days George.

Christmas Story

Here is a Christmas Story that we watched in class today, we thought it was super cute.

Monday, December 2, 2013


A big welcome to Allison who started school today. Allison told us all about her birthday party. We love having Allison in Room One, she is so clever.
We wish you many happy school days Allison.

Monday, November 4, 2013


A big welcome to Tom who started school today. Tom is super clever and he is sharing some cool stories about his birthday party with us all. We wish you many happy school days Tom.

Thursday, October 17, 2013

Classroom Photo

Today we took some photos of the Room One Children.
We liked pulling silly faces in the last photo. We hope you like the photos.

Monday, October 14, 2013


A big welcome to 3 new children. Maxton, Reina and Jacob joint Room One today. They are all very gorgeous children. Maxton and Jacob have been showing off their great writing skills today and Reina is enjoying listening to some of the girls read stories.
We wish you all many happy school days.

Friday, September 27, 2013

End of Term Treat

Today we had an end of term treat. We got to watch a movie called "Back to the Sea" it was a about a fish who wanted to go back to the sea. We got to lie down on the ground with the cushions and eat a lollipop. 
We really enjoyed the movie.  

Wastebusters Award

We have won the WASTEBUSTERS AWARD again!!
Here is Fletcher with the award. We have the cleanest classroom in the whole universe.

Wednesday, September 25, 2013

Harold the Giraffe

This week Harold was at our school. We went and visited Harold. He taught us lots of things like the names of body parts, to eat healthy food, to exercise, and we learnt we are all VIP (very important people).
Harold sang us a song, he told us some jokes and he even blew us some kisses! We blew kisses back to Harold. 
Here are some photos of us in front of Harold's Truck. We creeped like little mice around the back to get a photo. We had to be sneaky and quiet because there was another class in Harold's truck.  

Friday, September 13, 2013


A big welcome to Isobel who started school today! She was so excited to start school today she woke up her family very early this morning. Isobel is looking forward to having a full day at school and told us she is not leaving until 3! We wish you many happy school days Isobel. 

Tuesday, September 3, 2013

Hockey Award

A big congratulations to Fletcher who won the most improved player and most committed player awards at his Hockey Prize giving last week. Fletcher took great pride in showing the Room One children today. Well done kiddo!

Monday, September 2, 2013

Aa Week

This week the letter of the week is "Aa" we laughed when we clicked on that 3 of our children in Room One start with the Letter A! Here they are perched on the Letter "Aa" table.

Wednesday, August 21, 2013

Rako Sticks

Here is Room One with the Rako Sticks. Mrs Thompson has been teaching the children how to use rako sticks for te reo kori. The children are extremely good at this. 
Mrs Thompson takes the class for an hour once a week as part of the Junior Syndicate CRT Release. We are very lucky to have Mrs Thompson.

Monday, August 19, 2013


A big and late welcome to Arianna who started school last Monday. Arianna is a delight to have in Room One. She is always keen to learn and try new things. We are so lucky to have her in our classroom. We welcome both you and your family to St. Joe's and wish you many happy school days.


A big welcome to Grace who started school today. Grace is so super clever, she has been finding letters and words all this morning! We welcome you and your family Grace and we wish you many happy school days.

Friday, August 16, 2013

Waste Busters

WOW!! We must be the tidiest classroom in the whole school. We have won the Waste busters Award again! Well done Room One.

Room One Prayers and Sharing

Here are some photos from Room One's assembly Prayers and Sharing.
All the wonderful children did a fabulous job of speaking an sharing their art work or being a Disciple.
Thanks for coming and support us!  

Monday, July 29, 2013

Fable Reading

Today some children from Room 8 came and read their stories to us. They wrote fables, we learnt that fables are stories with a moral at the end, a moral is a lesson.
The children made the books all by themselves. Room One really enjoyed it.

Jump Jam

Twice a week we do Jump Jam. Jump Jam is for fitness, it gets our muscles working and our heart pumping. The children learn a new song every few weeks. we love Jump Jam.
Here are some photos.