Beginning School Information

Here is all the information you will need in regards to how Room One works. Each parent will get this letter when their child first starts school.

Kia Ora Parents and Caregivers,

Welcome to Room 1. I look forward to teaching your wonderful children this year and can not wait to watch them grow and succeed as individuals. In this notice I will outline some of my expectations and a few reminders to make 2013 a smooth year. My door is always open and I am more than happy to discuss any matter with you.

The roll will be taken everyday. If your child is sick call the office to let them know. If you are late to school pop into the office to let Mrs. Strange know you are here.

The majority of this information is found on our classroom blog. The address is I update it regularly. Feel free to leave comments-the children love reading what others have to say. Remember, notices and classroom newsletters will be posted to the blog, newsletters are found on the school website.

Some nights your child will bring home a worksheet in the back of their early words book. These are the high frequency words that make up the majority of words in a book. Your child would have read the worksheet with me in class and practiced learning the word before they take it home. For homework they are to read the worksheets or fill out the worksheets with the learnt word. Please remember to go back over the previously learnt words.  
Other nights your child will bring home a book that they read at group reading time. Your child can read the book to you or other members of the family (brothers, sisters, aunties, uncles etc.) once your child has read the book you are to record the date, the name of the book and write a lovely encouraging comment to your little one about how they read into their reading notebook (e.g. I love how hard you tried to sound out tricky words, I enjoy listening to your reading, you really are a clever reader etc.) I then read the lovely comment back to the child at reading time the next day.  
Please remember to return all books and the notebook into the reading folder and make sure it is sent back to school everyday for a new book!!

On Fridays your child will bring home their poetry book; this is a collection of all their wonderful poems they have learnt throughout the year. Each week they add a new poem. 

Your child will also bring home their phonics homework. They are to read the letter and share the sound with you; you might also like to read the words to your child. They can practice writing the letter also. If they have time they can colour in their picture. Remember to go back and look at other ones they have learnt. Phonics is important when learning to read and write. The more time you spend on revising phonics learnt the faster your wee one will be writing or reading. 

These two homework activities are meant to be stress free and won't take a lot of your time.
If you have any questions or problems, please don't hesitate to make contact.

Prayer time is a very important time of our day in Room 1. It is expected that all students participate and show respect at all times. Parents and caregivers are welcome to join us on their child’s first day at school and on Friday mornings. Every other day we will enjoy prayers without visitors and as a classroom. Please remember if you have younger children that they must also remain respectful throughout this time.

Playtime and Lunchtime-
At playtime the children are encouraged to go to the toilet and wash their hands, pick something small to have for morning tea. All children wear school hats for the first and last term.
At lunchtime the children all sit together for at least 15 minutes. I check that they start with the healthy food before the treats. A duty teacher will check their food is eaten and rubbish is in the bin before they go to play.

Assembly is every 2 weeks. You are welcome to join us. If your child is receiving a Principles award you will get a phone call home from Mrs. Strange. It is nice to keep it a surprise for the children. I will include the day and time in our classroom newsletter.

Classroom Newsletter-
This will be sent out every Monday to every child in the classroom. It will talk about what is happening in our classroom and outline any upcoming events.

School Newsletter-
The school newsletter comes out every Thursday. Please let the school office know your home email address as our school newsletters are sent out via email. If you don’t have access to a computer let Mrs. Strange know and she will send home a hard copy. 

Naming of equipment and clothing-
It is important to make sure all your child’s clothing and school equipment is named clearly. If possible it is also a good idea to name school shoes. If items go missing and they are unnamed it is generally very hard to find.

Parent Help-
Like any school we rely on the help of parents for days and events to run smoothly. In past years it has been extremely hard to find parent helpers. Without parent helpers events and fun days will cease to happen. It would be encouraging if each family could have one parent helper for at least one event during the year.

Friday Visits-
Visits are made by new children on a Friday. The “older” kids are great helpers who so nicely settle in the new children.

8.55 Start-
We start each day at 8.55; it is good practice to see them before this time to give them a chance to become accustomed to the room. I encourage your children to bring their own school bag into school, hang it up and bring their reading folder into their desk, return any library books to the library box etc.

3.00 pick up-
We finish at 3.00; I encourage your child to be as independent as possible. They can get their own bag, fill up their bag and put on their own clothes etc. 

My classroom door is always open, please feel free to come and see me if a matter arises. I can easily make an appointment with you where we will be free of distractions if needed. I however do not use my personal cell phone as a means of communicating or my home line, unless in an emergency. 

I am looking forward to this year, I enjoy watching young ones grow and mature as the year progresses. It will be a full on year, as they always are, but no doubt it will fly by!! I look forward to meeting each and every one of you and working together to ensure your child can develop into the best that they can be.

Take care,

Cathy Langley 

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