Monday, July 29, 2013

Fable Reading

Today some children from Room 8 came and read their stories to us. They wrote fables, we learnt that fables are stories with a moral at the end, a moral is a lesson.
The children made the books all by themselves. Room One really enjoyed it.

Jump Jam

Twice a week we do Jump Jam. Jump Jam is for fitness, it gets our muscles working and our heart pumping. The children learn a new song every few weeks. we love Jump Jam.
Here are some photos.


A big warm welcome to Amelia who started school today. Amelia is a very kind and caring girl and we love having her in Room One. We wish you many happy school days Amelia.

Wednesday, July 10, 2013

Star Dome

Today we went to a Star Dome, we got to sit inside it on mats and we saw stars, Mars, Jupiter, Saturn, the sun and the moon. 
We even got to see the star dome go into night time and then the sun came up and the stars went away.
We saw the Earth and what it looks like at night time and day time. At night time we could see the lights in some counties.
We had so much fun and the lady said we were good listeners and we were super quiet.


Friday, July 5, 2013

Wastebusters Award

Congratulations to Room One for winning the first Wastebusters Award for this year! We won it for having the cleanest and tidiest classroom. Well done Room One children!

Here is James holding the award...

We also had 3 children from our class get a sticker for picking up rubbish around the school.

Well done Ally, Lauren and Joseph.