Friday, September 27, 2013

End of Term Treat

Today we had an end of term treat. We got to watch a movie called "Back to the Sea" it was a about a fish who wanted to go back to the sea. We got to lie down on the ground with the cushions and eat a lollipop. 
We really enjoyed the movie.  

Wastebusters Award

We have won the WASTEBUSTERS AWARD again!!
Here is Fletcher with the award. We have the cleanest classroom in the whole universe.

Wednesday, September 25, 2013

Harold the Giraffe

This week Harold was at our school. We went and visited Harold. He taught us lots of things like the names of body parts, to eat healthy food, to exercise, and we learnt we are all VIP (very important people).
Harold sang us a song, he told us some jokes and he even blew us some kisses! We blew kisses back to Harold. 
Here are some photos of us in front of Harold's Truck. We creeped like little mice around the back to get a photo. We had to be sneaky and quiet because there was another class in Harold's truck.  

Friday, September 13, 2013


A big welcome to Isobel who started school today! She was so excited to start school today she woke up her family very early this morning. Isobel is looking forward to having a full day at school and told us she is not leaving until 3! We wish you many happy school days Isobel. 

Tuesday, September 3, 2013

Hockey Award

A big congratulations to Fletcher who won the most improved player and most committed player awards at his Hockey Prize giving last week. Fletcher took great pride in showing the Room One children today. Well done kiddo!

Monday, September 2, 2013

Aa Week

This week the letter of the week is "Aa" we laughed when we clicked on that 3 of our children in Room One start with the Letter A! Here they are perched on the Letter "Aa" table.