Friday, May 31, 2013

Dress up like Jesus Day

Here are some photos from the "Dress up like Jesus Day". The children ate some bread, olives, feta and prunes. 
They loved it and we even showed the Junior Syndicate what we looked like. They thought we looked pretty amazing!
Thanks to all you amazing parents who helped with the dress up! :-)

St. John's Visit to Room One

Today we had a lovely lady Rochelle visit us from St. John. She spent time with the children teaching them all about what St. John does. They got to listen to the sounds that an ambulance makes, see what ambulance drivers look like and they even got to see the things that St. John keep in their ambulance. 
It was a great time for the children to practice saying their phone number and address in case they had to use it in an emergency.
The children loved it!
The children have an information pack in their reading folders to take home and share with their families.

Sunday, May 19, 2013


Here is a drama we created last week around Maui and the Sun. Some of the children presented this at a junior syndicate assembly. Enjoy.

Thursday, May 16, 2013

New Favourite Links

I have added some new links to the "Room One's Favourite Links" on the left side of the blog. Today the children and I looked at them. Have a look at home and explore some new fun websites.

Haere Mai

A big welcome to Joseph who started today. We are very lucky to have Joseph in our classroom and he is a kind and caring boy. We wish you many happy school days Joseph.

Wednesday, May 15, 2013

What Jesus Looked Like

We have been learning about Jesus in class. Yesterday we looked at what Jesus would have worn. We learnt that he wore clothes that are a lot different from what we wear today.
Here is a picture of Hamish dressed up as Jesus using the dress up box in the classroom.
Later next week all the children will have a chance to dress up and look like Jesus.