Friday, May 31, 2013

St. John's Visit to Room One

Today we had a lovely lady Rochelle visit us from St. John. She spent time with the children teaching them all about what St. John does. They got to listen to the sounds that an ambulance makes, see what ambulance drivers look like and they even got to see the things that St. John keep in their ambulance. 
It was a great time for the children to practice saying their phone number and address in case they had to use it in an emergency.
The children loved it!
The children have an information pack in their reading folders to take home and share with their families.


  1. We had St Johns visit our class last year. We really enjoyed it. We liked the siren noise that the ambulance made!!Have you checked out our blog lately?
    We had two days off school this week because it snowed lots.
    From Lee Stream, Room 2

  2. What a great thing to have St John come to the class , Jaziah loved it and now says he knows he can help when people are in need . Knedra Parish
